523 Days

523 Days

That's how long it took me to truly STUDY the Bible front to back. I bought this one new in September of 2023 and completed it in mid-February of 2025.

I have was saved and baptized at a young age and had an incredible experience with the Holy Spirit in my early 20’s. I have gone to church and Bible studies and have read the Bible in pieces my whole life but never sat down to study it, cover to cover, to attempt to understand it all to the best of my human ability.

You will not be the same person at the end that you were at the beginning. You will understand that Jesus is the ONLY way. It just simply has to be. All the questions worth asking are answered. Your moral compass will be recalibrated and you WILL find Him.

It's impossible to open your heart and mind to this text and not have a revelation of your life and your purpose. Just 4 chapters a day will take you 1 year to complete. One year to change not only your life here on earth, but one year to change your eternal future.

As for me, I have started the process all over again. I am almost through Genesis for the 2nd time, studying...the Bible has endless depth. Now with the entire story into view, the early days of the Bible take on new meaning. The Bible says in Proverbs 25:2 “It is the Glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” You see, He reveals himself to you like the layers of an onion, and things you don’t understand in the beginning become as clear as day.

In the middle of all this searching, a personal relationship is born. When the relationship presents itself, you have no choice but to face your flaws and surrender yourself to Him. It is then that the true meaning of grace, the kind of grace only Jesus can provide is revealed. James 4:14 says “Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” This earthly life is but a stage, and one day we will leave the stage and move into eternity either with the God who loves us forever, or apart from Him, forever.

I encourage anyone who hasn’t done so to pick up a Bible and read it. Attempt to understand. Research the things that you do not understand initially. Persevere through the passages that seem clunky, insignificant or boring. There is a purpose for every piece of scripture.

The road to hell is wide, easy, beautiful and feels wonderful to your flesh, otherwise, Satan could trick no one. The road to the Lord is narrow, hard, requires perseverance and invites persecution but it endures, it comforts, it strengthens and it saves.

If anyone has any questions on the Bible, feel free to reach out to me at any time via the email tab.

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